Junior Programs, Parent Information

Get to Know Us

Our Staff are carefully selected for their personal qualities, friendliness, warmth, ability to relate to children and adults and educational/training background. Continuous evaluation and training of our staff ensures the ongoing high quality care for your children. We encourage you to express any concerns you have to your child's instructor or to our Club Program Manager.

Hours of Operation
Please refer to the individual program pages for the timings of the program you are registered in.

Clothing & Possessions
Children should be dressed in casual, comfortable clothing suitable for the weather conditions and program specifications. Accidents do happen, so we like to keep an extra set of clothing in their backpacks. To help keep everything organized and minimize loss, please label all bags and clothing with your child's name. A detailed list of what your child should bring with them each day can be found on individual program pages.


Please do not send candy, sugar snacks, gum, any items contain nuts, etc. to the Club. For those attending a full day class, a supervised lunch break is included. Please pack a lunch or patronize our Snack Bar. A Snack Bar order form will be e-mailed to you the week before your child is registered in our program as your can pre-book their lunch for the week. 

Health & Illness

If a child's illness prevents him/her from participation or being comfortable in normal program activities, or if the staff can not provide the care required, the child will be considered too ill to attend. Should your child become ill during the day you will be contacted immediately to pick up your child. All children play outside for most of the day. If your child is not well enough to go, please keep him/her at home.


Our staff will only administer prescription medication. Parents will need to sign a medication authorization form outlining dosages and times to be given. For safety reasons, medications must be in the original container, must be clearly labeled with the child's name, date, name of drug, instructions for storage and administration of the drug.

Fees & Billing

Program fees will be charged in full to your Member account the month you registered to secure their spot. If an adjustment on your payment is required, it is reflected in the following month. Full refunds are available up until June 1st, 2025; after which a $75.00 cancellation fee will apply. No refund requests will be accepted 7- days prior to the course start date. Please contact our Club Program Manager for details regarding the fees for the program or service you need.

Full fees are charged for weeks with statutory holidays and weeks/days which children miss any part due to illness. Long term default on payment of fees will result in termination of care for the child.

Late Fees

A late fess of $5.00 for every 10 minutes or part thereof will be charged after 4:00 pm (unless you have registered for the late pick-up in Day Camp only, the charge would then apply after 4:30 pm) If there is an emergency and you are going to be late, we ask that you call the Club to notify our staff.

Cancellation/Amendment Policy

A $75.00 fee will apply for ANY cancellations OR changes that are received. There are NO REFUNDS OR SCHEDULE CHANGES 7 days prior or less then 7 days prior to the course start date.  No refund would be granted for dismissal or removal due to ill behavior.

Member/Non-Member Policy

Members have priority in program registration. Non-Members may register at any time, however if there are space constraints a Member may take a Non-Member's spot up until 2 weeks prior to the start of the class and a full refund will be given to the Non-Member. We will also make every effort to accommodate your child's program needs. Non-Members will be subject to a 20 % surcharge which is listed with the program fee.

2025 Program Prices:

One Week Sailing Programs:
Wet feet & half day day camp $ 332.28 non member | $330.48 member

Two Week Programs:
Opti Single: $916 non member | $760 member
White Sail 1,2,3: $916 non member | $760 member
BIC (BYOB): $817 non member | $675 member
420 Dev: $916 non member | $760 member

Two Week LIT Programs:
420 Development LIT Program: $549 non member | $456 member
Adventure Camp LIT Program: $498 non member | $418 member
Four Week Program:
420 Race: $1625 non member | $1585 member
One Week Day Camp Programs:
Half Day Kid's Camp: $187 non member | $153 member
Full Day Kid's Camp: $352 non member | $290 member
Adventure Camp: $415 non member | $348 member
Tennis (1.5hr daily): $202 non member | $184 member
Swimming (30 mins x 2) $83: non member | $68 member