Program Philosophy & Policy:
At the Buffalo Canoe Club we use a positive approach to teach and guide children. Our programs and curriculum are based on building relationships, exploration, gaining a sense of oneself and empowerment. We provide opportunities for success and personal growth in order to develop confident, caring, happy individuals.
Our goal is to provide:
- A safe, caring environment to develop & promote your child's physical, creative, intellectual and social skills.
- Staff who are caring, well trained and who are great role models.
- A great communication system between parents and staff throughout the summer and to provide regular feedback.
Code of Conduct:
The safety of each child is of the utmost importance to the BCC. Each child and parent is responsible to learn and follow the rules and regulations of the Club. Any behavior that risks the safety of another person may result in immediate dismissal from the program. No refund would be granted for dismissal or removal due to ill behavior. A detailed version of our Youth Code of Conduct Policy, including our Harassment Policy can be found below.
Member/Non-Member Registration Policy:
Members have priority in program registration. Non-Members may register at any time, however if there are space constraints a Member may take a Non-Member's spot up until 2 weeks prior to the start of the class and a full refund will be given to the Non-Member. We will also make every effort to accommodate your child's program needs. Non-Members will be subject to non member surcharge which is listed with the program fee.If your child is older than 14, an additional Ontario Tax fee (HST) will be charged to your member account or in person upon registration for non-members.
Non-Members are welcome to register anytime; however, their spot in our programs will not be confirmed until 2 weeks prior to the start date of each camp week registered for with the exception of our day camp programs. Day camp program spots will be confirmed June 1st (if registered before that date; otherwise, will be confirmed on an ongoing basis with the Club Program Manager). Program fees are due upon registration through uplifter or a minimum of 14 days prior to the course start date for non-members (who are unable to pay on line) to secure your spot; a $75.00 cancellation fee will apply if you wish to cancel after spot is confirmed. No refund requests will be accepted 7- days prior to the course start date.
Non-Member Drop-off/Pick-up & Club Use Policy:
Non-Members when registered for the Junior Activities programs at the Buffalo Canoe Club are only to be dropping off and picking up their children for camps. Access to the beach and other facilities is reserved for Members only. If you are interested in becoming a Member of the Club please contact the office at 905-894-2750.
Policy for Non-Resident Members: Exemption from Standard Program Lengths for Junior Activities
As defined by the Club's constitution, Non-Resident Members are entitled to three weeks of Club usage per season. Recognizing the parameters of Non-Resident membership, we are pleased to offer the following policy.
Non-Resident members may register their children for up to three weeks of summer camp per child, with the flexibility to register in weekly increments. This includes the option to request a shortened, one-week format for any program whose duration is two or more weeks (program rates will be prorated). Such unique registration circumstances will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, which should be initiated by the Non-Resident Member via email to the Program Manager, Anna Wojtis.
Cancellation/Amendment Policy:
Full refunds are available up until June 1st, 2025; after which a $75.00 cancellation fee will apply. No refund requests will be accepted 7- days prior to the course start date. Refunds will not be granted for dismissal or removal due to ill behavior.
BCC Youth Code of Conduct:
"You haven't won the race, if in winning the race, you have lost the respect of your competitors"
(Paul Elvstom)
All persons at the BCC must:
Respect fellow sailors, volunteers (parents, race officials), BCC staff and coaches
Be gracious in victory and defeat, be co-operative, sportsmanlike and always remain a team player. I will remember that my actions on and off the water reflect not only on me but my organization as well
Regard the Racing Rules as a form of agreement. The Rules represent the spirit or letter which I shall not evade or break
Treat all Clubs, public areas, accommodation facilities, as well as other people's property as my own. Understand that any willful destruction of property or theft is not permitted. Full payment will be required for any destruction
Not get involved in any act considered to be an offense under federal, provincial or local laws
Neither posses or use any prohibited drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or non-medicinal drugs while attending a BCC sponsored event and/or event run by my Club or provincial sailing team
Become aware of what 'anti-doping' is all about, and ensure that I triple check to make sure any medications/prescribed drugs/nutritional supplements I take are not considered banned/restricted substances (Note - you can check this all out via
Enjoy the sport!
Understand that any disciplinary problems which arise shall be investigated by BCC Junior Activities Director, Maureen Drullard. If it is decided that individuals are not adhering to the above guidelines, the following actions may be pursued;
Termination of individual's participation in the given event
Removal of individual's right to compete in future related events
Individual may be subject to further discipline by BCC
Harassment Policy
Policy Statement:
It is the policy of BCC to provide a work and sporting environment where the dignity of the individual is respected and free from harassment and fear of harassment including sexual harassment
Each person shall recognize that:
1. Every employee, Member and guest is entitled to a climate free of harassment including sexual harassment and;
2. Harassment or fear of harassment, including sexual harassment, can compromise the integrity of the employment and sporting relationships and endanger personal well-being and performance
3. Harassment as defined by Human Rights legislation is a course of action, vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought to reasonably be known to be unwelcome
4. A person who has the authority to prevent or discourage harassment of any kind may be considered responsible for failing to exercise his/her authority to do so, and consequently be subject to such disciplinary actions as may be determined
5. BCC will make every effort to ensure that no person is subject to harassment including sexual harassment
6. BCC will take such disciplinary actions as it deems appropriate against any person under its direction who subjects any person to sexual harassment
- Harassment includes any comments or conduct consisting of words or actions that disparage or cause humiliation to a person in relation to race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizen, creed, age, sex, record of offenses, martial status, family status or disability
Sexual Harassment is any conduct, comment, gesture, or contact of a sexual nature
that is likely to cause offense of humiliation to any person or;
that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by that employee or Member
Pacing a condition of a sexual nature on employment, or on any opportunity for training or promotion
Types of behavior which constitute harassment including, but are not limited to:
unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendos or taunting of a sexual nature about a person's body, attire, age, martial status, and/or which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, endanger a person's safety or negatively affect performance;
unwelcome or intimidating invitations or request with sexual overtones whether indirect or explicit;
leering or other gestures;
unwelcome physical contact such as touching, patting or pinching;
unwelcome display of objects or pictures of a sexual nature, and/or offensive or ought to be known to be offensive;
sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature;
written or verbal abuse or threats thereof;
physical or sexual assault;
submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or being named to a team;
submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for decisions affecting employment, promotion or movement within the organization/team and/or;
such conduct has the purpose or effect of humiliating an individual or substantially interfering with the work or sporting performance or in creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment
The BCC will also be following and acting in accordance with the Ontario Safe Sport Protocols.