Fleet History
BCC Lightning Fleet 12 is part of the Lake Erie District. Fleet 12 has been in existence for most of the 80 year history of the ILCA (International Lightning Class Association). Early BCC families such as Smither, Allen, Roseberry, Dobmeier, Graf, Bernel, Ward, Montgomery, Bryant and many others paved the way for the thriving fleet we enjoy today.
We currently have 25+ Lightning families actively racing @ BCC on a weekly basis – specifically Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings. Sailors are always eager to help each other learn about tuning, set-up, and go-fast techniques. Fleet 12 is also extremely fortunate to have the premier builder, Allen Boat Co, located in Buffalo, NY. Tom Allen, Jr. is a longtime member of the BCC and ILCA.
There are several active Lightning Junior Teams who assemble every Sunday morning from June to September for practice with a coach/mentor. This helps keep the pipeline full of Lightning participation @ BCC and produces Junior North American and Youth World Champions.
Every year a BCC Boat Grant boat, which is owned by the BCC, awarded to a junior team. This team is a assigned a mentor and is expected to participate in all club racing, junior racing, and the Junior North American Championship.